gripping dishes (digital download)

gripping dishes (digital download)


Written by darcy staddon.

Featuring Bass on support vocals, whistle and sound editing. (Darcy was Bass’s nanny very many years ago).

Darcy is on lead vocals and acoustic guitar.

This simple recording was made at Gingal Studios, Philadelphia.

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I know you; and that is for your good.

So you are panicked; gripping dishes tight.
You’re restless; you have lost the fight for
who you planned to be today and
all that you wrote out.
It’s a tangle; it’s a clatter of your heart to My floor but
it’s not only that; it’s—I know what—I know what’s next for you;
what it’s for.
Yeah, I know just what it’s for. 

You think I’m distant; I’m not listening tonight;
there’s nothing that I want to do for you.
So you use your tactics and multi-tasks to pull through.
But it costs you.  You used to dress in joy,
now you grumble and complain.
And gradually, gracefully fade away.
But I made you; I want you to stay.
I love you; don’t self-erase.
I made you; I love you—stay.

I know you; and that is for your good.
I made you; and that is for your good.
I love you; and that is for your good.
I’ll heal you; and that is for your good.